报名表格 独中报名表格国中报名表格 独中课程报名表格Student Name - EnglishStudent Name - ChineseStudent's Contact Number (学生联络号码)Student's Email (学生电邮)Gender (性别) Male FemaleSchool Name (就读学校)Parent's Name (父母姓名)Parent's Contact Number (父母联络号码)Year (年份)- Select -20242025Month (月份)- Select -January (一月份)February (二月份)March (三月份)April (四月份)May (五月份)June (六月份)July (七月份)August (八月份)September (九月份)October (十月份)November (十一月份)December (十二月份)Form (年级)- Select -Form 1 (初一)Form 2 (初二)Form 3 (初三)Form 4 (高一)Form 5 (高二)Form 6 (高三)Junior 1 (初一)Subject List (科目表)英文 (小班)Monday 8pm - 9.30pm (RM 110/月)华文 (中班) Thursday 8pm - 930 pm (RM 110/月)科学 (小班)Wednesday 8pm - 9.30 pm (RM 110/月)国文 (小班) Tuesday 630 pm - 8pm (RM 120/月)数学(中英-中班)Friday 8-9.30pm (RM110/月)历史 (小班)Saturday 4.30-6pm (RM110/月)数学(中英-中班)Monday 8.30-10 pm (RM110/月)Junior 2 (初二)Subject List (科目表)英文 (小班) Monday 800 pm - 930 pm (RM 110)国文 (小班) Saturday 8.00 pm - 9.30 pm (RM 120/月)华文 (中班) Tuesday 8 pm - 9.30 pm (RM 110/月)科学 (小班) Thursday 8 pm - 9.30 pm (RM 110/月)历史 (小班) Tuesday 7 pm - 8.30 pm (RM 110/月)国文 (大班) Sunday 11.05 am - 12.35 pm (RM 120/月)Junior 3 (初三)Subject List (科目表)英文(小班)Monday 8-9.30 pm (RM110/月)数学(小班)Tuesday 8-9.30 pm (RM110/月)地理(小班)Monday 5.30-7 pm (RM110/月)历史(小班)Friday 6.30-8 pm (RM 110/月)华文(中班)Wednesday 8-9.30 pm (RM 110/月)科学(小班)Friday 8-9.30 pm (RM 110/月)国文(大班)Friday 8.10-9.40pm (RM120/月)国文(大班)Sunday 9.30-11am (RM120/月)Senior 1 (高一)Subject List (科目表)簿记会计 Accounting/ Bookkeeping Friday 8-9.30 pm (RM130/月)英文 Wednesday 8-9.30pm (RM120/月)商科数学 Monday 8-9.30pm (RM120/月)英文 Friday 7.30-9pm (RM120/月)华文 Tuesday 8-9.30pm(RM130/月)商业学 Saturday 7.30-9pm (RM130/月)经济 Sunday 9-10.30am (RM130/月)国文 Saturday 2-3.30pm (RM120/月)理科高数II Wednesday 8.15-10.15pm (古来宽中)(RM150/月)高数 I & II (中英)Monday 6-7.30pm (RM140/月)物理 (中英)Tuesday 5.30-7pm (RM150/月)国文 Sunday 2-3.30pm (RM120/月)Senior 2 (高二)Subject List (科目表)商科数学 Thursday 8-9.30pm (RM120/月)英文 Wednesday 8-9.30pm (RM120/月)簿记Bookkeeping Sunday 10-11.30am (RM130/月)英文 Friday 7.30-9pm (RM120/月)国文 Wednesday 4.50-6.20pm (RM120/月)华文 Friday 5.30-7pm (RM130/月)理科高数II 星期三 6pm-8pm (古来宽中)(RM150/月)Senior 3 (高三)Subject List (科目表)商科数学Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm (RM150/月)英文 Wednesday 8-9.30pm (RM120/月)簿记Bookkeeping Thursday 8-9.30pm (RM130/月)英文 Friday 7.30-9pm (RM120/月)国文 Friday 6.30-8pm (RM120/月)华文 Friday 8-9.30pm (RM130/月)商科数学 Saturday 8-10pm (RM150/月)经济 Sunday 11-12.30pm理科高数II Friday 8.15-10.15pm (RM150/月)物理 Saturday 6.30-8pm (RM150/月)Terms & Regulations: 请于每个月的30号前支付下个月的学费,若此前没有收到学费,中心有权利暂停孩子的补习,家长则需要支付孩子当个月还未付的课堂学费。Please pay the tuition fees for the following month before the 30th of each month. If the tuition fees are not received by then, the center reserves the right to suspend the child's tuition classes, and the parents will need to pay the outstanding classroom fees for that month. 本中心的学费是以月计算的,倘若家长或孩子想要暂停补习,请提前2个星期通知以让老师们做安排。 The tuition fees at this center are calculated on a monthly basis. If parents or children wish to suspend the tuition classes, please provide a two-week advance notice to allow the teachers to make arrangements. 我们会跟家长收取报名费RM20(年费),中心会举办各类的讲座予中心的学生们。相关讲座细节届时会发给家长们。We will collect a registration fee of RM20 (annual fee) from parents. The center will organize various online seminars for the center's students. Details of the relevant seminars will be provided to parents at that time. 若家长已让孩子上课了,却有意逃避缴交学费者,中心有权利对此采取法律行动。If parents have allowed their child to attend classes but intentionally evade payment of the tuition fees, the center reserves the right to take legal action. 请在转账详情栏上填上孩子的名字,我们才能核对。此外,使用现金转账的家长们请发bank transfer slip给负责人:Ms Wun 016-409 5098 (独中课程)或者Mr Jee 010-916 1788(国中课程),以作记录。Please fill in the child's name in the transfer details column so that we can verify it. Additionally, parents who choose to make cash transfers should send the bank transfer slip to the respective personnel: Ms. Wun at 016-409 5098 (for UEC courses) or Mr. Jee at 010-916 1788 (for PT3 & SPM courses) for record-keeping purposes. 填好表格后,可以通知负责老师,老师会跟家长们确认付款款额。After filling out the form, you can notify the responsible teacher, and the teacher will confirm the payment amount with the parents. 温馨提醒: 在没有收到学生的前一天通知下,当天倘若上课时间到了,老师将会在课堂等待15分钟。15分钟后若课堂里没有一个学生进入课堂上课,那堂课将无法补回,毕竟老师也花了时间等待,学生们没有通知会对老师造成困扰,希望家长们体谅。Without receiving notice from the students the day before, if the class time arrives on the same day, the teacher will wait in the classroom for 15 minutes. If no students enter the classroom for the lesson after 15 minutes, the class cannot be made up. After all, the teacher has also spent time waiting, and the lack of notification from students can cause inconvenience to the teacher. We hope that parents will understand. 希望家长和老师们能够一起配合,好让家长们放心,孩子们可以开心地上课。We hope that parents and teachers can cooperate together to ensure that the children can enjoy their classes happily. If you have read the above "Notes" of the center and agree to the terms stated above, please check the agreement box.若已阅读中心以上的“注意事项”,并同意上述各项,请在同意栏里打勾 Agree (同意)Center's Account Number: Bank Name: Public Bank BerhadAccount Number: 3818835527Submit Form Template is not defined.